
  • Revitalize Your Story or Sales Pitch

    Live, virtually and in written form.

    Based on Kouzes-Posner’s First Law of Leadership: If they don't believe the messenger, they won't believe the message.

  • Facilitate Strategic Partnerships

    1 + 1 = 3

    Get to the right people, deeply listen and ignite their belief to become stronger than their fear. If it’s not a win-win-win, then it’s not yet fully crafted.

  • Optimize business development strategy

    The what and the who.

    Stop doing what’s not working, do more of what is, identify what’s been untapped and maximize the team’s ability to succeed.

  • Moderate Critical Conversations

    Productively addressing the elephant in the room.

    E.g. post-mortem analysis on projects gone wrong, workflow hurdles slowing momentum, leadership friction, etc.

the difference between coaching and consulting

In coaching, I help you prepare for what you want to accomplish. 
In consulting, I join you in making a part of that happen. 
Occasionally a hybrid makes sense.
Always with a focus on communication.
Often through a business development lens.